Hey there 👋, I'm a frontend engineer, specializing in building frontend infrastructure. I have tons of experience, 💪 and am always striving to learn new technologies and tools to keep up with industry developments. Recently, I've been diving into web3, which is an incredibly promising field. 🚀 I believe blockchain technology has the potential to bring many opportunities and transformations, especially in the frontend domain. I hope to combine my frontend skills with web3 technology to develop innovative products and applications. In my spare time, I have a hobby: model-making. 🤖 I'm a Gundam model enthusiast and have made many models. It's not only a fun activity but also a way to exercise my patience and skills. 🎨 Finally, if you're interested in my work or projects, feel free to check out my GitHub or connect with me on social media. Thanks for reading! 😊
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聊聊我眼中的 Web3
Posted on:April 19, 2022 at 12:32 PM其实我在年前才接触到这个概念,在朋友圈偶然瞥到这个词,好奇心驱使我去调研了一下,像大部分新手一样,安装 MetaMask 钱包,试用 Mirror,注册 ENS,加入了大量了 Discord 频道,还在 BuildSpace 上完成了几个 Tutorial,总算是形成了一些初步的认知,我觉得是时候把我理解的关于 Web3 的事情写出来了。